'rc hovercraft radio controlled Griffon tdx2000 2010 Hovercraft challenge

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When I Was In The War 2010 Hovercraft Challenge entry

14th August: Challenge day

rc hovercraft radio controlled Griffon tdx2000

Above, the multisurface challenge, and below the tug of war with Bobby Dazzler

rc hovercraft radio controlled Griffon tdx2000

The manouverability challenge

rc hovercraft radio controlled Griffon tdx2000

Lack of charging facilities scuppered the outcome

rc hovercraft radio controlled Griffon tdx2000

8th August update

First real outing for the craft. A visit to Folkestone seafront with Payntrix was a resounding success.

Here's a selection of videos showing the craft in action. Just a note that it was supremely windy and we both suffered with undesirable effects.

Following our first run on the seafront it was back to the car to recharge the batteries (which were mildly warm... !)

Then we thought we'd find a less windy spot to get a high speed run. In actual fact it was that windy that two formula one teams were using the same car park as a wind tunnel!

And finally my first near miss, well not actually a miss.... Doh!

3rd July update

All done.....


15th May update

Patented thrust duct construction

Update 30/03/2010

Hull build 28/02/2010